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 Crash test Golf and Beetle

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2 posters

Broj postova : 111
Registration date : 24.02.2008

Crash test Golf and Beetle Empty
PostajNaslov: Crash test Golf and Beetle   Crash test Golf and Beetle Icon_minitimeuto 3 lip - 20:13:22

Crash test Golf and Beetle

Gledam na you tube crash testove pojedinih automobila pa zanimljivo je pogledati sta se desi sa auta...Testira se pri brzini od 56 km/h
Ev jedan link primjer je golf ...vozilo koje se vecinom vozi po bosanskim putevima

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Broj postova : 31
Age : 35
Location : BIHAC
Registration date : 11.03.2008

Crash test Golf and Beetle Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Crash test Golf and Beetle   Crash test Golf and Beetle Icon_minitimečet 12 lip - 12:36:28

ma golf je sranje i niko me od toga ne moze odgovorit
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Crash test Golf and Beetle
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